The carefree charging service

Welcome to our world of hassle-free electric car charging.

With vyear powerful charging service you get smooth service, fast support, right pricing and easy billing. If you already have charging points, we can integrate them into the charging service.a.

Vår mäktiga laddtjänst




Vid behov av bekymmersfri support, betalflöden och laddning med insikt av hur anläggningen presterar.

Vid behov av affärsnyttiga funktioner, API-kopplingar och detaljerad data.

Telefonsupport 24/7 - 365 dagar om året

Privata uttag/halvoffentliga uttag

Publika uttag i ChargeNode

Publika uttag i ChargeNode

Vi gör det enkelt att ta betalt och sätta priser.
ChargeNode svarar alltid när någon behöver hjälp med laddning eller har frågor om appen.
Systemet övervakar och larmar ChargeNode personal vid eventuella fel.
Systemet styr effekten utifrån faktorer som antal inkopplade bilar, laddkapacitet och avresetid, de som ska åka först får exempelvis laddning först. Hårdvaruberoende - Kontakta ChargeNode*
Stödjer lastbalansering och ser till att den tillgängliga effekten i fastigheten utnyttjas bäst, samtidigt som alla får önskad laddning. Hårdvaruberoende - Kontakta ChargeNode*
Användaren startar laddning med appen eller RFID-brickan. Laddningen kopplas till användaren som debiteras för utnyttjad ström. Hårdvaruberoende - Kontakta ChargeNode*
Uttag kan vara privata och användas av dem som anläggningsägaren låter ladda. På semi-publika uttag kan vem som helst ladda. Däremot syns inte uttagen i några kartor.
Laddtjänstkunder får tillgång till en portal där det är lätt att se ekonomi och laddstatistik för elförbrukning, effekt, sessioner och mycket annat.
Vi följer marknaden och baserar vår prissättning på Nordpools priser och slår ut det över en månad, så kallad rörlig månad.
Användare eller användargrupper kan få rabatter som ger dem olika pris per kWh.
En gång i månaden sätts pengar för laddtjänstens elförbrukning in på ditt konto. Dock minsta beloppsgräns 5000 kr.
Administrera flera geografiskt spridda områden.
Området syns för allmänheten i ChargeNodes mobilapp.
Uttagen publiceras i nationella laddarregister, bl.a. Nobil och ChargeFinder.
Data-API hämtar laddstatistik för t.ex. sessioner eller realtidsdata som ser om uttagen är lediga eller upptagna.
Det går att ansluta laddtjänsten till våra partners parkeringsappar, som EasyPark eller Apcoa, för att starta och stoppa laddningen.
Företag som laddar på systemet kan få flera användares kostnader kopplade till en samlingsfaktura.


Vid behov av skräddarsydda integrationslösninar med affärskritiska system som t.ex. lorem…

A charging service that controls everything

Optimised electric car charging

Our super-smart software allocates available charging power based on the number of cars connected, departure times, charging capacity of the cars and the desired charging. Without you having to increase the power output on the property. We call this optimised electric car charging.

We help you with pricing

You can easily schedule your pricing and change the price whenever you want. You choose your neighbourhood, you choose your currency. We solve all payment flows. And you get the money directly in your account. No hassle and easy for you to charge the right price.

Easy payments

We solve all payment flows smoothly and hassle-free with self-invoicing. ChargeNode charges for all electric car charging and every quarter you receive money via plusgiro or bankgiro.

Dynamic pricing

We follow the market and base our prices on what Nordpool sets for prices and spread it over a month, called a variable month. Flexible pricing, like a skilled skipper on a stormy sea. With dynamic pricing, you don’t have to worry and you avoid unpleasant surprises.

A charging service that fits with your existing hardware

If you already have charging boxes or charging posts installed we can integrate them into our powerful charging service. Our charging service controls all types of hardware, ssmoothly and worry-free.

ChargeNode Care

We have our finger on the pulse and know how everything works because we develop and manufacture both software and hardware. That’s why we’re always quick to provide our customers with feedback, advice, service and support.

Proactive support

If something goes wrong, we have the solution in house and we solve most things remotely. Many times before our customers have any idea that something has happened.

The portal that speaks for itself.

We’ll take care of everything and keep an eye on things for you. But it can still be good to see how things are going. How many people load and when they load. All prices, statistics and history can be found on your pages in our portal. There you manage your users and here we monitor the operation and ensure the uptime of your charging station.

The mobile app that helps your customers

As a charging customer, you always have free access to the ChargeNode mobile app for iOS and Android. Here you can easily activate charges and receive continuous information on the status of the charge. Here we can also provide information and help with the service.


ChargeNode’s electric vehicle charging installations are superior when it comes to large parking spaces. It is easy to install beams, bollards and charging boxes. It looks good and you get a solution that’s easy to extend. Perhaps even more important are all the possibilities built into the software.

Our products

The beam, the bollard and the box. It sounds like three legendary footballers from the past, but it’s three ingenious solutions for the future of electric car charging, all in one tight-knit team. All of which are made for our charging service. If you already have charging boxes or charging poles installed, we can integrate them into the charging service. We control all types of hardware.

158 public charging points in Kungälv get a new charging service.

Our charging service can be integrated with existing charging points. One example is our collaboration with Kungälv municipality where we take care of the charging service at their public charging points. We are responsible for charging and support and coordinate the service activities at the charging points. All to create the best charging experience.

  • 158 public charging spaces distributed over three car parks
  • Operational monitoring and servicing of charging points
  • Payment and debit services for users
  • Dynamic pricing and power optimisation
  • Customer support

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